So you’re looking for a lot of listeners/viewers for your podcast. But how is it done?
There are many ways, both paid and unpaid ways to grow your podcast quickly. Do they work? Mostly, no.
So why?
One reason? There are over 1 million podcasts out there. Now that’s some competition!
First, make sure you have great audio and great content. It really starts with the basics.
But you want to grow your podcast fast. Who doesn’t?
Well, it can come down to who you know. In a perfect podcasting world, we’ve found the quickest way to grow a podcast is to have guests on your podcast that have large followings. You get them on your podcast, ask the guest to put out a “tweet,” and mention this on other social media. If you can nail this, nice job!
Getting a guest with a large number of followers can “take action” pretty quickly.
So how do you do this? We’ve found there is a great correlation between what you want and what you ask for.
Don’t be afraid to reach out to you’re favorite social media peeps. You may get them on or If you share something interesting, very interesting, you may get a “Re-Tweet.” or similar on other social media platforms.
Remember, “You can’t win if you don’t enter.” What do we mean? If you don’t ask, you’re guaranteed not to succeed.
So reach out to these people. Yes, you have a LOT of competition, but you can’t win if you don’t enter.
Now grow that Podcast!